Around the turn of the nineteenth century and as a result of all that went on during that century philosophic discussion and theory was rampant. Removing the stigma of puritanism, and delving into the real reasons why people did what they did and are the way they are was everywhere. Nietzsche had written much about the ubermensch which was not a 'superman' as we think of superman but an intellectual superior who would at the behest of society rise to the top of all the classes and rule, cleaning the gene pool of the elite, and creating a wider gap in class strata.
The backlash to this thinking was Christian altruism, Marxism, National Socialism, and eventually the outcome was the capitalistic rule of the western world and the socialistic communisim in the slavic states and the far east. The naieve Nietzsche was convinced that the intellectual with his scientific, cultural, and educational abilities, ubermensch would be welcomed by the ruling class and given status as rulers. And exactly the opposite happened. In my recollections, it has, in this USA been the puppet of money, and the mouthpiece of industry and/or organized labor, who has had the political clout. The superior intellectual who has esteemed himself higher and therefore more deserving of special status has had to wrestle the mob with his/her art and science to achieve personal wealth, and then create a world where they could be on top, but never in control of the outcome of humanity. For as crass and unimaginative as the ruling powers are, their ends remain the same. Continued capitalistic domination of wealth and the subjugation of the masses for their personal comfort and/or historic recognition. Marxist/Lenninist philosophy being no different, and historically more punative to the masses via political purges and the paranoia of their leadership as they grow older and wealthier. Today's enemy is more visible, 12th century religious belief and its fanaticisim. However todays western ruling class, in order to control their own, pay homage to a 2000 year old myth (adjusted by centuries of revision to fit circumstances) and exercise control by touting the rewards after the indivduals demise.
None of this reveals the truth of what or who man is, what the boundaries of his/her abilities are, or what could be, as far as life, and peace, and the pursuit of happiness for the individual. Satisfied with riches, the ruling class looks to science, the occult, or religion for length of enjoyment, with as little intellectual stimulation as they can absorb, but physical health and pleasure as the ultimate goal. The drug companies, card readers, and priests, preachers, dive for the almighty dollar/yen/euro and pant as the wealthy throw it their way, so that they can do as the payer does. They desire to enjoy the temporal amenities as long as they can physically do so. Capeable of great love, poetry, perhaps even more metaphysical abilities than are exhibited in all history, all this is trodden over in lieu of a cocktail and sex in an aesthetically appealing environment. Or maybe even in isolation with a laptop counting pennies in a commodities market.
Addressing the suffering of third world countries and their particular plight, some coin is dropped to appease the leadership of the those places, and the money is generally never used to reach the suffering, because in my 54 years the call is still quite loud on the television...send money, adopt these unfortunate children, stop the starvation in these drought plagued areas. Do the rulers of the prosperous industrialized nations move armies and wealth to bring democracy and stablity, and a basic nutritional, medical and sane life to these places? No. Unless there is some raw natural material that they can exploit. Do you imagine the English would have ever sacrificed soldiers in South Africa unless there were diamonds there? Austrialia was a penal colony. Jung and Kant in the nineteeth century recognized the debt to the servants and tried to ease their plight. Now that philosophy is referred to as blatant liberalism and eschewed and rejected as doling out handouts to the ungrateful and unwilling. As military technology expands, personal freedom will disappear. Were seeing that now as the vice tightens. The left was depressed due to the outcome of the last US presidential election. But they werent destroyed. 3 percentage points were the margin of victory of the right. But even if the left had succeeded in winning the election the agenda would have been the same. A different diplomatic approach with blame laid on the right, would maybe have built a coalition that would have changed the configuration of soldiers in the middle east, but western domination of that region would have continued under an easier softer PR.
Maybe the rebellion of nature is the only hope mankind has to renew the gene pool. The seasons are drastically changing. And so few are paying any attention to it. (Im speaking in relative terms). Because man has historically sought personal comfort and gain, at the expense of really discovering his true nature, his real place on the planet, and his relationship to it and each other, maybe the planet is going to do something about it. Because as it has been, and always will be, (as the man said) "The universe will provide."