Friday, February 18, 2005

I got

angry at work tonight. I was told I had no credibility with my peers. I was PUT in this job cause all the previous people were stoned and failing the drug tests. I reminded my critic of that fact. He later recanted and apologized. But we have a communications system and I use it. If I have to be critical about an issue I am. So far 2 people have whined that I have no right to say what I do. I told the big boss when I left last night, that I was through writing in the book. He told me to let it go. He said I needed to write in the book.
Older workers genrally dont make waves. They ride em out and retire. The unfortunate part of 'inspecting' a product is you have to be critical. We have criteria we said we'd meet. If we do less, we lie. If we lie, we lose business. I don't want that. I want it to be there for me if I live long enough to make it to retirement. Sad time in my existence to get principled. But it happened. I have a vested interest these days. Its not penny ante. I honestly dont care if everyone in that dump hates me. Im gonna do the right thing. I love sleep, and good dreams.


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