Sunday, December 12, 2004

Apollonian vs Dionysian

Its like "well Duh!" for me here. I've always realized the strong want to control everything and everybody, and the weak always look for concessions...but because of my lack of classical education I didnt know an entire civilization lived and died by these ideas, and attributed them to gods. Apollo the greek diety of control, staid, stoic, an historian, a rule maker, artist of past events, architect of buildings commemorating past glory, priest of status quo, versus Baccus Dionysus, the riotous, drunken reveler, moving into the experimental, the unknown, ignoring the rules and creating his own system.
The old saying "a rolling stone gathers no moss" came outta this. It was probably due to the fact that after years of one reigning diety, then the other that the Greeks saw they needed a mix.The conflicts were too hard on the locals. But of course this mentality crept into Christianity. We see the suffering servant coming back as the victorius warrior destroying the 'weaker' sinfulness in the world. Of course we want to maintain our freedom. As wealthy independent capitalists with personal agenda's that seem to be 'for the betterment of mankind'. We do what we do because we 'can'. It is ok to destroy an ancient people, because then they can be free. They need to be delivered from the yoke of tyranny. Tyranny in the form of religious fundamentalism. (huh?) Terrorism in the name of relgion. It needs to be destroyed. Like the comedian said. "Why if Osama hated freedom so much, didnt he attack Sweeden? Why isnt the Netherlands dust?" I understand completely now thanks to Nitzsche why we do what we do. Its not even out of an Imperialist effort to rule the world militarily. The boys can see around the corner. All the nations that are developing technology now are still some years behind us. Fossil fuel is and will be for at least the next 50 years, the predominant form of energy to fuel an economy. When the walmarts are in rural China selling American knick nacks then you will see the war. These folks are not asleep. Thats why all the space development. The capitalists want to have their own private abilities and so Burt Rutan. They arent asleep either. But the thrust of diplomatic efforts to have political stability are just pauses in time to create new ways of domination. The rebels see this and continue to rebel. They realize they cant catch up so they terrorize. Who do the Jew's vist for armament the most? US. why? We have the best and the most outfront groups of technologists working 24/7 to develop defensive as well as offensive weaponry. The present administration seeing Iraq as chumpchange didnt realize that the entire Arabic world the absolute Jew hating sections would attack the USA on this battleground. And even though we've lost 1500, they've lost 100,000. And lots of face. And it will continue until they are all dead. They will not give up, and we will not stop killing them.The Strong versus the weak. And now with the punishment of US soldiers for killing some of them, how will the soldiers fight? As in VietMan we always like to hamstring our armies in the name of justice for what they are sent to do. Kill Arabs. Its totally astonishing. But then the Iraqi's are moving toward freedom. Because if you die to self you live for god. Or so it is written.


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