Sunday, December 05, 2004

No doubt about it

Religion is the business of capitalists who cant do any real work. Those who need a god to recover from alcoholism, crack addiction, gambling addiction, sex addiction, Can pick a god any god and if it gets their minds off their obsessions then that god is real. Never the less religion is a job,a business, and a huge part of the american economy.
I've met several "Pastors in the last ten years. Some in that span heve said so much contradictory stuff that if you call them on it they say "what? I never said that." All one has to do is listen and remember. There is a group locally that conisists of 4 family members. They play bluegrass music and although I havent gone and listened to their services per se, I heard the preacher expound that "he doesnt have to do any work. Christ does all the work. All he does is play the music and preach the gospel." He stands at the courthouse with archaic signs with obscure references to biblical characters and his pet peeve is womens lib. He forces his wife and adult daughters (also members of the bluegrass band) to consistantly wear skirts. While the skirts are attractive, other wardrobe would be as modest and apropo. (ie koolats..SP?) He wears a straw hat when hes walking the sign beat. He invited me to dialogue with him via e mail however all his responses are automated.
It is fashionable now to post Crosses in the fields of church property and decorate those crosses with cloth or as in the style of one local foursquare church nail huge letters to the cross saying "I voted for you." I didnt know I was running however and did I win?
Only time and death will tell.
Heaven or Hell?
Dying will not tell cause NOBODY has returned to write a best seller about how great it is to be in heaven. we do however have the holy scriptures.
And we have Bush. the crusader. I wonder how those free livin Irakis are holdin up tonight? Ya reckon their murderers are imagining they are Jewish sympthaizers?
That of course makes them a target for death immediately. These religions clash.
Although they descend from the same can read about Exodus in the Koran. Well its sunday and I had to work. I also had to give my religious rant.
I believe I have a soul. I dont think its a 'tapped' area in my being however. Sometimes sentimentality, fear for a loved one, or great love or hate move it.
But Im bettin its all in my mind. I restrain myself from doing evil deeds because I by experience know that consequences of your actions follow you forever. I m doing that right now in my life. Yet doing what is 'written' aint so groovey either.
Most of the biblical heros are initially scoundrels and they really dont stop scoundrelizing. Although they say they quit, here and there.
I just so want to isolate.


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