Thursday, December 16, 2004

What I read

Yesterday. Well It was really so contrary to what I've been accustomed to but I understand people a lot better now. Especially wealthy ones. Nietzsche's philosophy had patterned itself on Shopenhaureism, and Greek Apollianism and Dionysianism. The Strong should get stronger and exploit the weak. Wrongly I imagined the world (well, the western christianized world anyway) had turned from this tack and was more benevolent towards the have nots. I See that more people believe WHOLEHEARTEDLY in the Nietzschian philosophy than ever! On a certain liberal message board that I occaionally frequent, the right wing posters are always calling for the enslavement of the lowest classes. It is as if people are cattle. In a business sense no company can run (well virtual companies can be constructed so that labor is farmed out..) without labor and management working together. Somebody has to assemble the widgets, and somebody has to sell them, and somebody has to manage the incoming and outgoing capital. AAAAAAAAAnd somebody has to get a return on their college investments. But for sheer perspecuity, Nietzsche says that the cattle should get some grass and be left to do what they do. SHOULD a cattle exhibit human superior qualities then he should be allowed to elevate to the human status. And contribute to the power increase of the ruling class. Now i see why Hitler liked him. Although Nietzsche was no Nazi, neither did he hate the Jews.


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