Thursday, December 16, 2004

Its Cathartic

Nietzsche says that the ubermensch should spend all his time stifiling the lower class. They really have nothing to offer.I object of course because as in business, management gets nowhere without labor. Somebody has to clean the greasepits.Although he does say that if a lower class person can by example show that he can climb the ladder he ought to be allowed to. I think Hitler disagreed with that. But then Nietzsche wasnt a Nazi either. He wasn't even an anti-semite, althought his sister, who also was his biographer was and intimated He was. One interesting point he makes is, that if the 'haves' got all the havenots onto an equal plane, what would be use in striving on ones own? Yet he would have the lowest keep trying to change his status.
The object in Christianity is to becoome more Christ-like and live in eternal bliss with Christ forever. The object of the master-morality is to 'will to power' and grow stronger and mightier as you live until you die. To obe top dog and remain on top till ya croak. Marshall Tito did this! Ya can't say the same for Churchill.


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