The Past, Briefly
I wrote several times about personal past events as I saw them. Someone anonymously criticized and threatened me for my comments. If they knew me they'd know that what I wrote was true, that if my parents did the best they could they needed to get more training, and that every woman that I ever got pregnant was my wife.
I'm no angel and as I look back from this perch a lot of the criticisim is deserved. When you drink, smoke dope, and play music and your goal in life is not clear, and you have little direction you wander into territory that leads to trouble. Hypocrite? Whatever. If I believed something to be true in 1975 and in 2005 decided that my belief was unfounded, and my beliefs were decisions made while I was stoned or drunk or inbetween, and I changed that opinion, I think I have a right to that. What I do these days I don't have to apologize for. Unless its being wayyyy off key and out of tune.
Labels: Music the Past and whatever
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