A Busy Day
I haven't ignored this. I've just been living life everyday. I was talking to a friend from Texas today and we were talking about self absorbtion. I was criticized for that by an anonymous critic who was going to hit me upside the head for it.
Somehow I am quite self absorbed. I think it was because I was so isolated early in life and then disenfranchised and alienated by the circumstances immediately after my reaching the age of majority. When I blog I get all introspective and philosophical because when I'm alone thats what I do. When I talk to the people around me its always about whats going on and not about me. Its music or children or machines and tools. It truly must be boring to only hear me whine. I'm certain my critic was a relative. Who else gives a shit? No one. But hey, where was I when my parents got old? I was trying to earn a living. I have no high school diploma, and its a tough world when you have no special skills. So I muddled along until I became a steel worker. Then I found a niche and exploited it. I could never move from this organization especially at my age and with my health being what it is. And why would I want to? I make a lot of money and have a lot toys. I have a loving family and good trusted friends. If thats not the pinnacle of existence then Im no judge.
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