It is with the UTMOST sadness that I meet people who have a small faith in a God that was poor authoritative and direct, a sufferer who empathized with the suffering, and watch them get hornswaggled by some slick preacher or politician into supporting some insane program, public robbery, or general moral sleaze by invoking the name of God and associating their agenda with that diety's life death and meaning.
Whether college educated, or hayseed. A carefully thought out hornswaggle can ruin a lot of peoples generally stabilized daily security. An important benifit of the diety I have in minds gift, to his adherents. It has been duly noted long ago by heretics, that Jesus never said "I am the second person in a three part God." He never said "Mom was a virgin and remained so." Or did he say "Lets start a new religion,"
In fact 'science' at the time this diety happend to be and speak was so 'nothing' that it could be held in a thimble and ridden on a rollercoaster. The people of ancient Greece one in particular "Aristotle" imagined that the earth was covered by seven balls or dishes. and that if you went 'up' you broke that plane and wound up in some region of "The Heavens". Possibly, because of terrathermo activity, it was also held that 'sheol' or 'hell' was the hot pit below the surface dirt. I don't know this, it is my simple conjecture.
That a religious man, or even some clever author who invented a religious man who could tell beautiful parables, recite the beatitudes, and insist that he was the bread of life, and possibly die for the causes he created is refreshing to me. It gives me strength.
That a political leader can tell his countrymen that they need to die in order for their families to believe in this religious leader is at times not correct. That a church leader, in order to have nicer vacations, more stuff and a nicer house, tells the scratch to survive congregants of his area that they need to dig deeper into what they get and give more is to me robbery.
To create programs and policies that the preacher or the politician will not themselves be directly participating in is gross MISleading and deserves punishment of some form. Not reward.
Some folks historically needed to have Jesus be ressurected from the dead. They needed to have HIM ressurect people from the dead. AND they needed it to be written down so that future readers would believe this happened. Supposedly Jesus ressurected Lazurus his bud, a kid, a roman generals daughter. Nobody says if they went on to die again later or like Jesus himself was 'acended' into heaven. I repeated this from A.N. Wilson's book "Jesus A Life" cause its true and it needs repeating.
Jesus was for all the mothers up late wondering if Junior or Missy was still alive and well. He was for all the working stiff's who were on time, didnt steal, and if they did, told on themselves and made restitution. Jesus was for all the grandmas facing that dark night of eternity wondering if they'd know worms were working away on their carcasses. He was for all the puking drunks, and bleeding addicts who said "help me!" He was for all the political prisoners everywhere. He was for the guy who faced the IRS with fear knowing their ability to wipe him out. He was for all the people who the doctors shook their heads on and said "I cant do any more". He was for all the women who slept with men because they had no 'love' in their lives, and imagined that that was how to get it.
He wasnt for propping up crappy dictators, killing soldiers for profits, teaching third world cultures how to make styrofoam Christmas decorations. Or making some greedy hillbilly who could squint hard, rich.