I am nothing. I just read Bill Nelsons website. I read a few days of his life. Shit, he's got tons of recording equipment, guitars, people interviewing him. He is of course excellent. He was Be Bop deluxe. He plays guitar and now that he is old he plays really great music. His 1990's music is extolled by Andre La fosse and deservedly so. I cant help it I was a drug addict! Do I suck that much? Dont answer that....I'm gonna write an album of orchestral music ONE and have it be perfect. Im starting it tonight.
I started it and I need much more inspiration. If you listen to some of the stuff I've put on my website you'll see that its plodding and hum drum. (thats because I broke the slingerlands down and put em in the basement.)I used the drum tracks off my 707II.
It doesnt work at all that way. I need to rebuild the kit and do all my stuff first and them add the drum tracks. But I had to break the ice.
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