Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Basketball and Death

Now theres a couple words ya dont normally see together that often. 'Sudden death' hangs out with 'basketball' and for a couple of different reasons, but not plain old death. I used to shoot baskets when I had the opportunity. It was fun. Like playin music in the 'zone' when they start dropping. I cant hardly walk sometimes these days much less jump. I have arthritis and I'm even gettin these wierd knobby lumps on my knuckles. Specially when it gets cold. I was thinkin the other day, that it wasnt that long ago I imagined I could jump and run fast and high forever. I thought why do old people quit that stuff? Some doctors who are also book writers say it doesnt have to be that way. I reckon with the correct dosage if vicodin and red wine they'd be right! Nah Im on the backside of 30. (uh huh) And like the man said before every dog has had his day.
Odd, even with some repeated warning I still smoked cigarettes well into my 30's and drank wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too much liqour. I aint that I didnt care, its just that I was an addict. It started out with easter chocolate...then doughnuts, beer, cigarettes, WOMEN, pot, reds, crosses and then just beer. Beer, coffee, and cigarettes. If I've never said it before, I prolly shoulda died a long time ago, but every chance I got, I shot baskets. I think keepin it all shook up kept it going for a longer time. But, I aint no doctor and I cant write a book.


At Tuesday, February 01, 2005 1:22:00 PM, Blogger Porgie said...

Almost fergot - have ya let our pal Ms LV know yer okay? I met up with her at the Friday night chat at BB (thankfully, no old crone present...), and she wuz worried about ya...



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