Wednesday, February 09, 2005

I'm fairly certain

Blogs are for people who like to hear themselves talk. Im my best friend. I'd say my wife was but we differ politically and religiously. She's a close second. But I like me a lot.If I had a friend like me I'd hang out with him. I mean he'd be funny, serious, cynical, dumb, have some insight, have no clue.... But I don't know anyone at all like myself. Maybe thats why I can't keep a band together. Im far too wierd. I'd even do cover tunes. But nahhhh. Why. All the younger kids I meet that play are too scared theyre novices, and/or I dont do death Metal. I really like Marines. I found that out recently. Most of the people who I hang with at work are former marines. And one in particular is extremely smart! I know what youre thinking. But its true. He's a country western man however. Thats a problem for me.
We are going through a lot of changes at work and some will be very good. I'm going to be challenged to do some physical work that I haven't done in 10 years. I had the heart attack. I hope I can do it. I told them I'd try. I'd like to get the raises. I want to get more physical. I'm losing weight a lot and the walking will really take it off. But being diabetic Im prone to cramping a lot and when I get em I get doublebarrelled ones.
I just want to get to retirement. Then if I live, have enough money to do a few things. Not worry. It's possible. It's not out of the question. I'm not accustomed to the cuts our company is making to save money but a healthier me now means I'll have money for health care 15 years down the road, if I live that long. I don't expect to but I'm gonna try to. 8 more to retirement. 8 exactly this week. Our company is instituting a medical saving accouunt within IRS rules. If I can start contributing and NOT HAVE TO USE it now, it will accrue interest and be there when Im out and away from work as I know it. I'll probably do something but just not this. Maybe I'll be a walmart Janitor. Now theres an aspiration.


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