Monday, September 27, 2004


Won't you take me by the hand?
Show me
the shine of your Japan
the sparkle of your China?
Im gonna sell my house in town
I wanna be there.
(D Fagan W. Becker)
A short break from chopping wood and carrying water. Its not real spiritual, but it puts a roof over our heads. (and a rather fashionable one at that!) Anyway I have an eight track at home now and it cost me 25 bucks. I downloaded it and my puter supports all the stuff it has!!!! HE HE HE ! But it'll be next week before I get to mess with it. I thought of some really different instrumental pieces and want to try em out with my Roland. dont forget to check out Mike Keneallys radio site. And none radio. Whew. gotta gota errands....

Thursday, September 23, 2004

This Just In

I heard from my homey Earwicker... Rad dood. Healthy, intellectual and literati. Check out his blog. its:
He is truly insipid and inspirational.

Sunday, September 12, 2004

On my deathbed

I will pray to the gods and the angels
Like a pagan
to anyone who will take me to heaven
to a place I recall
I was there so long ago
the sky was close
the wine was blessed
and there you led me on

In your house I long to be
room by room
I wait for you there
like a stone
I wait for you there
(many thanks to Chris Cornell for great lyrics)

and On I read until the day was gone
and I sat in regret of all the things I've done
of all that I blessed, and all that I've wronged
in dreams unto my bed
I wander on....
In your house I long to be
room by room
I wait for you there
Like a stone
I wait for you there
(audio slave)
Weekend work is over. Its chores. On my website I posted the 39.47 minutes of music we played at Jonesyes last November.
The end is the best (about the last 14 minutes) but I couldnt edit it yet. Im going to try in the next few days to trim it to the beth orton song and chain chain chain and lets gel....
Its on the 3rd page. (not counting the guest book)

Suddenly a shot
ripped into his heart
and then in need of some attention
And there he played his card
Going into shock
the last thing that he said
set this fucker off....
set it off set it off now children
set it off!
set it off set it off now children alright

set it off set it off now children
set it off set it off now children
set us off...
all right...
Jesus at the backdoor
everything is all right
all we need is some direction
every time the wind blows
everything you dont know
turns into a revelation
it all ends up inside of yew
time is wasting......
set it off now children
(audio slave)


Monday, September 06, 2004

Labor day

Being blue collar and all I just wanted to say to the workers of the world. Have a peaceful day if you dont have to work. Have a day of rememberance for the times you had no job. If you are currently unemployed, vote for Kerry.
I remember having absolutely nothing but the clothes on my back after my first divorce. And that woman would not even ship my winter coat to me. But somehow I survived the winter of 1983 and went on to have a life. I did remarry for about 50 days in 1987 to a woman who I had absolutely NO business being around. But at that time I was drinkin like a 12 pack a day everyday from the rising of the sun until it went down. So those consequences are expected. Bad memories, child support...(YES! I KNOCKED HER UP IN 50 DAYS!) Its nearing its end in a couple of years however.
america is a place where when you can get into a job, be steady, learn the ropes quickly, they will give you (maybe small wages) the opportunity to move on up. That is why I am grateful that I live here. That is why I am grateful for Labor Day.

Lets delcare an alcohol fast in America and see if family life improves overall. The hard core will not stop of course but the rest might see some interesting changes at home. Lets declare a period of time where we will not smoke marijuanna. There would be no war on drugs if there were no demand for the item. I do not condem drug users, but I lament the social aspects of taxes raised, peopled jailed, and families torn apart due to addiction. Why not a 6 month moratorium on street drug use, just to see if the crime statistics fall. Just to see if people can learn to know each other better without the aid of a number.

Lets try to for 6 months not charge anything on a credit card. Lets see how the high interest companies do with no extra charges to charge. Just a a static amount of minimum payments, or payments that make the minimum and knock down the principal.

All these suggestions are mine to attempt to get people isolated from external stimulus and into a older, more familial period, with less pressure, and no props to keep the relationships floating. People getting sober, and looking at spouses, children, neighbors and seeing them as they are and not thru the veil of external stimuli.

Its my labor day wish and hope that kindness and peace return to homes, and eventually communities, and the nation.
We need a break from the rat race.

Saturday, September 04, 2004

Some folks say

that cosmology is a farce
a science that cant be proved, or even modeled.
I grew up

believeing God keeps his eye on us all.............

comin home after school.
I remember the chart of atomic names of elements.
it was faded yellow cause when It got to me it was 35 years old already.
that was before quantum mechanics really took off.


I was such a simp as kid. I believed what they told me.

I thought America was rock solid and had promise.


welcome to the jungle....


Arnold. Woah.
Glad I dont live in Calif. Or Florida or Georgia.
He remembers the TANKS. What tanks? Wasnt he born in 1947? The Soviets rolled out in 1945 and his daddy was a Nazi.
Oh well
Got mah studio time at LeClaire. Jes have to firm up the times. Gonna do the music, vocals, then the drums.
September 2004.
Im feeling real old jes nah.
And when I awoke
and felt you warm and near
I kissed your honey hair
with my grateful tears.

We drove to Wisconsin today. We were gonna go up to the Apostle Islands but the brakes were goofy on the Taurus. So we ate at Prarie Du Chein and rolled on back here. Iowa is lovely this time of year. Wisconsin seemed greener! Which is strange. I see the apples are already red and ready to pick. so maybe Monday we'll go up and get a bucket. Ususally we wait till Oct.

and the moon rose
over an open field....

Thursday, September 02, 2004

I have a sister

I dont mention her much. I dont like her. She lives in what seems to be the path of Hurricane Frances. And this morning when I saw the maps I she's gonna get wacked.
Well I suppose she isnt even at the houses she owns in Fla. right now. If she has half a brain, (and folks thats questionable) she'll be in california with her buddies. (she vacations there now and again)
I dont want her to get killed.
But I dont want her to call me either.
she pissed me off when our mother died and did some NAH STAY shit.
So I geve up on her.
So "Sis" get out of the swamp for a week.