Monday, September 06, 2004

Labor day

Being blue collar and all I just wanted to say to the workers of the world. Have a peaceful day if you dont have to work. Have a day of rememberance for the times you had no job. If you are currently unemployed, vote for Kerry.
I remember having absolutely nothing but the clothes on my back after my first divorce. And that woman would not even ship my winter coat to me. But somehow I survived the winter of 1983 and went on to have a life. I did remarry for about 50 days in 1987 to a woman who I had absolutely NO business being around. But at that time I was drinkin like a 12 pack a day everyday from the rising of the sun until it went down. So those consequences are expected. Bad memories, child support...(YES! I KNOCKED HER UP IN 50 DAYS!) Its nearing its end in a couple of years however.
america is a place where when you can get into a job, be steady, learn the ropes quickly, they will give you (maybe small wages) the opportunity to move on up. That is why I am grateful that I live here. That is why I am grateful for Labor Day.

Lets delcare an alcohol fast in America and see if family life improves overall. The hard core will not stop of course but the rest might see some interesting changes at home. Lets declare a period of time where we will not smoke marijuanna. There would be no war on drugs if there were no demand for the item. I do not condem drug users, but I lament the social aspects of taxes raised, peopled jailed, and families torn apart due to addiction. Why not a 6 month moratorium on street drug use, just to see if the crime statistics fall. Just to see if people can learn to know each other better without the aid of a number.

Lets try to for 6 months not charge anything on a credit card. Lets see how the high interest companies do with no extra charges to charge. Just a a static amount of minimum payments, or payments that make the minimum and knock down the principal.

All these suggestions are mine to attempt to get people isolated from external stimulus and into a older, more familial period, with less pressure, and no props to keep the relationships floating. People getting sober, and looking at spouses, children, neighbors and seeing them as they are and not thru the veil of external stimuli.

Its my labor day wish and hope that kindness and peace return to homes, and eventually communities, and the nation.
We need a break from the rat race.


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