Theres this really old bat
Who is a wiccan witch. She has the ass for me and big time. I think she does voo doo. Anyway she'll make some comment about in a message board I visit about dropping her advesaries like flies....Then she sends me christmas card or a birthday card, or a NEW YEARS card. Always with some snidely remark on it. She used to spend a lot of time discrediting what ever I proposed. But never directly. Always with her wiccan insight and voo doo idioms. She constructs these clay masks that look like Michael Jordan at Mardi Gras. She sells them at craft fairs and probably the net too although she never says that. Her husband she says is British and lives here under some visa that allows permenent residence yet not citizenship. Shes so paranoid that she uses lots of alias's and Bush and Christianity are her favorite targets.
The reason I mention this is that tomorrow I have to have a CAT scan for a lung tumor. YES! I now have a tumor in my lung. I smoked for about 25 years, and gave it up in 1992. SOOOOOOOOOO if I have problems after tomorrow with this. She is not to blame. She is however to blame for owning a dog that looks like a rat with fuzz covering it, and being Nah stay.
Bad behavior and age will catch up with you. If you give them the opportunity.
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