Sunday, May 30, 2004

Its Once Again Sunday

Fifteen years ago there was a band from New Orleans called "Java" and they rocked. They'd come up heah to Iowa for summer club tours. They played rockish blues, jazz oriented Rock, plain rock, and plain blues. You never heard them on the radio, and today you'd NEVER hear them. The singers tits werent that big. But she was beautiful and talented nonetheless. That is why Internet Music is important. If you investigate the music, then you will find talented small tittied people with music from the soul or the heart, or the groin, or the cranium that moves and excites, and causes one to pause and say..."geeze, I think I'll buy that!" or maybe "if theyre in town I'll go and hear them."
Celebrated former greats like Andy West, Steve Morse, Mike Keneally are putting out album after album and selling them well. The former lead singer and rythym guitarist for Boston have an homade CD on CD baby and it rocks. It cost them very litle to produce, in fact they under produced it to remove the slickness. I heard Nina Storey (its for anyone who read my last post and was cornfused. I hear people complain about tooo many choices. Thats because they live in a box and outside of the box its scarey. But Im grateful for the ability, (albiet expensive) to be able to cruise to hear regional musicians from Memphis, Albany, Santa Fe, and Juneau. Just spin the dial....


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