Tuesday, May 18, 2004

In Summary

for the qucik glimpse time line:
Garage Band.......
The very first song I learned to play was "Whatd I say?"
By Ray Charles. The little lead lick. Then I learned "Louie Louie" and a song called "Little Latin Lupe Lou"
After that it was she loves you
and Norweign Wood and breathy solo guitar songs about love, and disenfranchisement.
I leared "You cant judge a book by looking at its cover" when I was 15 and I thought Bo Diddley was farrrrrr out. I also learned a song called "boogie chillun" that I didnt understant at all. In fact I thought it was a non-sensical thing that someone (John Lee Hooker) did as album fill. My garage band did wilson pickett's in the midnight hour cause our drummer/singer was into soul. I heard about a group called Moby Grape and a song called Omaha. We even played that, although today Im not so sure that it sounded much like the record. We did a Monkees song "Valerie" cause the bass player could sing that. Of course we did TONS of Stones and along came "Jethro Tull", the Moody Blues, the band broke up cause I moved away. (we were always doing that)
We could generally practice at my parents house when my dad was out of town on business and mom was hammered, but, we had to play "wooly bully" over and over and some of the guys were like really pissed about it.
Then other bands that lasted a week or two, a journey to florida, Georgia, and finally California and back to New York where marriage and day job and gettin by with a GED were what I was up against.
She hated men, and she hated me but I got her out of her previous marriage and she placated me until my lifestyle drove her into a new search for mr right. (#4) I drank myself into Oblivion and them another bad marriage that lasted about 50 days. But was able to produce another child. (Two boys by the first wife, one girl by the second wife) and finally Treatment for alcoholism, A/A and my most recent 17 year spate with reality and no drugs. I have another daughter, she is the apple of my eye. She can get over on me big time and I'm a sucker for her smooches.
mo later.....


At Tuesday, May 18, 2004 10:00:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Your biggest fan here. Guess who? Starts with ElCEE!!!


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