Sunday, May 16, 2004


It is beautiful. Even suffering with KIDNEY STONES. This is a beautiful day. The sun is shining, fluffy white clouds float by in a pale blue sky. What a fine morning. Then I read the news. JESUS! Wont somebody stop the war? I guess by now its unstoppable and it said in the NYTimes that Morocco is becoming a country where terrorist organizations are beginning to emerge. So we go blow up Morocco? Lets hope not. It seems as though any excuse will be enough for an Arab to take out a westerner. They cut off that telemarketers head last week and made a movie out of it. Its that kind of inflammatory behavior on a personal level that will keep the fires of hatred burning for a long time. I disagreed with attacking Iraq. I had no qualms about finding Osama Bin laden though. I was utterly disappointed when they didn't put the resources and effort they put into Iraq into finding Osama bin Laden. At least they might have captured a dood that actually claimed to have attacked the United States, and admitted that he pulled it off. But that's all lost in a maze now of wanna be martyrs for Islam, and the disenfranchisement of Arabs world over who feel like death is honorable if it comes taking out the infidels. It lifted the tension in the world by mega decibels, and gave every wacko, and future wacko, an agenda by which they could kill, maim, and destroy.
Then again, I think this has been the path of the history of man since the beginning. It'll boil down to who has the best defenses and the best ability to murder the other enmasse. That don't necessisairly mean the US will come out on top.
I remeber reading how in the 12th and 13th centuries the Arabs like to poison clothing to kill people. They are quite imaginative and subtle. Its like NO amount of dialogue will settle this ever. Just Death and that ruins a beautiful day.


At Monday, May 17, 2004 11:06:00 AM, Blogger Bowe said...

yeth dey do dah day.


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