Sunday, May 16, 2004

Sunday and warm

The dog started wailing about twenty minutes ago. I always go down and check it out. A figure was walking south down fourth street. But I doubt if that was burgular. It was wearing a yellow jacket. I work my job around the clock. So getting up and being alert is no problem. I've been doing it for 14 years now. The kidney stones wake me up periodically too and give me that "Im still here" nudge thats both nauseating and achey.
God I love playing music. It so soothing. It burns anger,and it is mentally challenging. I know Im not as smart as the greats. If I could read music then I could actually "write" music. But I can record what I play and thats what I call "writing". I have a cheap strat and an epiphone genesis. I have a yamaha six string. I have a pack of Elixirs that Mike Keneally gave me. He gave a pack to my daughter as well, but we've already used her's up. There is talent, there is the life, there is the creativity, and lucidity. If you've never listened to you really should. Its possibly the shit. He's had Shankar and Gingger on a couple shows running and while the world music themes are mild and sweet, I love that crunch he can get even on a Taylor acoustic. Something about the way Mr. Keneally rocks thats unique and moving. Its a class all by itself. I have an old set of Slingerland drums I play too. My home recording studio is the livingroom. Peavey PA and stuff flung everywhere. Music. Music Music. Im a Steve Morse fan. I listened to Andy Wests new CD the other day. It rocks. But the two together were so sweet. Personalities. Its so hard to have a band. Money isnt glue, and nobodys ever on the same page without direction. Everybodies got something to hide scept for me an my monkey. Hendrix tied his wailing leads to a hip hop bass line in the last few things he did. I've been trying to develop my new stuff on that principle. Bouncy basslines and a smooth sustained lead melody over clean chords. I asked my brother in law for lyrics cause he writes them in Austin Texas. He's sent along a couple nice things but he's being less general and more subjective and topical. I want some words that are more universal and less time specific for subjects like, love, alienation, joy, and disenfranchisement.
Theres only one
But if I found two
I'd give the other one to you


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