Friday, November 19, 2004

So Shut up

Been reading Mencken and Nitzsche. Maybe Mencken had syphillis too? Is that what it takes to be sceptical and critical? It cant be wrong to criticize. It can be destructive, but maybe that which was built badly needs to be torn down. I am as they say, one of the mob. One of the little men. Intellectuals are of course entirely lofty and history will record them as supermen and then reveal their personal proclivitiy to the absurd, because usually historians are little men too. I live in a country divided. A country run by the money. A country that continually wants to call itself religious, ne nation Under Gawd, or independent. The points I read that these two men brought up I had been wrestling with for years. I am the dunce they speak of. I am the fraud. But I did what I wanted to. (inasmuch as I could afford to do what I did,artistically.) Nothing changes. I guess this has been said too many times. But men will search the christian bible for inspiration and solace and never look inside themselves to see whats going on there. The Church decried a Round Planet, that was NOT the center of the universe. It said medicine was witchcraft, It changes its mind with every new scientific discovery, and stifles science with its superstitious chicanery. I should hate it as Nitzsche did and as Mencken did. But I again am low class and cant bring myself to. My bad. But I think what I dont hate is what Nitzsche called the only true Christian (dead or alive) who was executed in Jerusalem years ago.
It wasnt his fault men made money on his deeds. My mother used to say "this is hell". talking about her life. It can be. I felt that way for a long time. Especially when I lived in a rooming house in the black ghetto in Rock Island. No job, food stamps, the misery of divorce, the realization that I wasn't educated enough to get a career, that I had blown my opportunities to play music.
I was like all the other lowly men, a fearer of Hell. Now after all that has gone down. It doesnt matter. It matters to the Ministry. They lose money when we bail on them. Im married like Mencken says a man marries, and I live in an illusion. The state of marriage. But like he was amazed, I am amazed. I like my wife, and we get along famously. I can do what I want, and I do. She does what she wants and enjoys it. We come together at home and enjoy that. We argue, and especially where my daughter is concerned, we disagree somewhat. But never for long or very intense.
how nice.
but those two.
So pointedly correctly.
But the stigma of adultry is nothing at the highest social levels. It is only a problem with the little men. Or the church. It all depends on your illusion. The enraged man charging in and blasting his woman with bullets. It only goes as high as dentistry. Or Chiropracters. All the rest of the lofty just change dansers and move on.
and on
and on.
And facing the blackness of eternity in death?
It is again just rest.
Eternal rest.
This is why I think there is no just reason for war. It solves nothing in the long term and takes the ability to grow and flourish away from the locals in the path of the conflict. All those dead people are dead. The are in the blackness. Do they know it? Nope.
They just are gone.
Mr. Carlin said "I looked around and we are fucked."


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