Monday, July 19, 2004


     The 9/11 commission didnt let this information out until Saturday. That way everyone had a chance to stew and react on Monday. Evidently Iran gave the skyjackers a pass.  Big suprise. But wouldnt a preemptive military strike against Iran been better than Iraq? The entire ethnic group of Muslims world wide is now at war with the US. Maybe that was inevitiable. Maybe not. I keep hoping that someone with brains will come along and calm the situation and end the immediate fighting. But thats what Judeo/Chritian biblical writings espouse. A savior who unites the world. He and his prophet.
    All these axes to grind.
It seems to me anyway that if an Islamic person is slighted, then war is the only recourse.  That is stupid as far as I'm concerned because offenses will come because people are people and in different frames of mind at different times of the day.  Again maybe this is the cultural difference between Islam and Christianity. Maybe Islamics are so tightly wound they can't slack back.
      Christians have no MANDATE from God to destroy anyone.  They are told by the Master that you "Love your enemies" and you "Do good to those who hate you and despitefully use you." Yet we really dont believe. I think the schizophrenia that president Bush seems to evince is the result of believing/and playing the American Political Game. You cant 'sorta' believe Christianity and have good results especially if you are in the spotlight. Then again, you cant just  do what you figure "God" has spoken to you either. My argument for separation of church and state.
     Why Why Why.  They could have gone after Osama. (Now he's irrelevant) They could have waited for the UN weapons inspectors. But they rushed to destroy the rest of Iraq because, thats what they wanted to do.  Saudi Arabia is a Sultancy. Democracy in Saudi Arabia is probably not all that welcome  by the FAUD family. And with this latest revelation, Iran who has consistantly thumbed its nose at the US for twenty odd years would have been a better target. It makes the average working man, who pays for all this in money and children, wonder just what the hell is really going on. But then I'll never ever really know.


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