Friday, June 04, 2004

Friday equals Monday

It begins my work week. It also ends my work week Saturday. Then working on Sunday begins my next week which ends after I work wed-thurs. gruvy eh?
Im a total failure. I tried to fix a broken door on my SUV and ruined both the door and the fender. It was amazing. I thought I had my problem solved and wack. I couldnt get the door back open without bending the fender in and the door out. I was sooooo stoopid. Anyway the cars got 150,000 miles+ on it and its really no big deal. But I hate I absolutely HATE fucking something up when I KNOW I could have fixed it. I just made one bad move and it cost me dearly. Now I cant use the door at all and and and the side of the vehicle looks like total shit. Man, I've been beating myself since 4 oclock over dis and I still feel awful. Duh. Ya dont get smarter with age. Its a lie.


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