Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Good Morning Good Morning

Im walking in a neighborhood, and its suburban. I recognize it from the way its situated on a hill that runs up from east to west, east being the low side. Its breezy and its summer. I go to the back door and knock. A woman I recognize answers and smiles and says yes, Linda is here. She is upstairs. All the wundows are open and the curtains are blowing in the gentle breezes. I climb stone steps, marble actually to a huge livingroom, much larger than the house appears capeable to hold. And there in a school dress, tight at the waist but flowing out comes Linda. She is smiling and she says, Rex, its been too long, come sit here by me. We walk to a huge sofa, plush and we sink into the cushions. I tell her, you know, you are as beautiful as ever. I 've missed you so all these years and I want to hold your hand. Her arms are thin and willowy. Her hands are soft and her nails are long and painted pearl. I see the wrinkles from the years, and I say, remember when we walked on that hill across the street? And she says 'yes do you want to go over?' and I say, no, lets just sit here. "Where is your dad?" and as I say that a familiar voice says to me, "Im not far away...." and I remember. The breeze blows and I walk out alone.
The sky darkens and its nearing night. I see a man in a chair by a motel door. The yellow light above him has moths and junebugs bouncing off the glass shield. Its my father. I walk over to him and ask, "wheres mom?" and he says "she needs you inside" I walk in. The rooms are long corridors and she asks me to move my things into the last room at the end of the hall. There is a sliding glass door on that room that exits to the porch my dad was sitting at. I walk back out through the sliding door and my father says look at that! I look to the west in the sky and see stars that are pinwheeling. spinning everywhere, but one in particular is spinning closer and closer to the motel. My father is afraid. He looks pale and cant speak except that he says, "oh no! Oh my God! Look at that! and the spinning star turns into a red planet covered with Steel Beams. Below the beams red molten steel bubbles and swirls in coils of boiling flow. Nearer and nearer the giant monster moves toward us. I say "Father that is the face of God!" but he's weeping and muttering unintelligable noise. I reach out because Im not afraid. I touch the steel beam with my finger and its not hot. In fact its cold....then Im 12 years old again. I m riding my bicycle on a highway in Moline Illinois. Im near an area that once housed and IGA grocery store and a huge flower store. But its night and the cars have their lights on.... Still I press on but suddenly Im thrown into the ditch. Did I hit a rut? why did I go down?
A man in a grey striped suit approaches me and says "are ya ok bub?" and from the tangle of my wrecked bicycle I look up, because that was what my grandfather used to say to me everytime I got dinged... So I looked up and it was an old man alright. But it was me. I faded away into a place where there were huge gothic columns holding up a great roof. The columns were in the shape of Angels. Giant angels with huge wings and the wings and their shoulders held the roof up. I heard a loud laughing sound. It was a demon. He had a whip. He was striking the columns with the whip and they would light luminescent green. I said this must stop! So I grabbed the end of the whip as it passed by me. I pulled the demon to the ground and wrestled him taking the whip away from him a he vanished before my eyes. Then the columns lit all together and the angels smiled...


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