Sunday, January 02, 2005

Hey Hey its a nudder Sunny Day

In education it is the duty of the teacher to teach the truth. Give facts. Give facts so that the student may discover more facts. Science, unlike religion, is in flux. It takes no absolutes for granted, It seeks deeper truths by observation and tests. Ones own axiom is not holy ground. It can be taken apart and disproven if the truth will allow that. Newton was the arbiter of absolutes. Along came Einstein and said that the position of the observer is of the utmost importance in making an hypothesis. Thus entered relitivity. Along comes technology and proves Einstein wrong on several hypothesis. We now have string theory and have noticed that instead of three dimensions, we may well be dealing with eleven.In the areas of scientific research we find that stem cell research is helping diabetics, (an area in which I have particular interest)but that government funding is witheld due to the 'probability' of a rise in abortions for the sale of embryonic material for the collection of fetal stem cells. Could this though be the way evolution starts cleaning the gene pool? Since man has stunted the natural selection in his species by altruistic behavior, this may be one way to slow the expansion of humanity on a crowded and stifling planet. It's up to knowledgeable people to make the decisions. Not politicians who have no real consideration for 'the people' except to garner their votes and get re-elected. Of course a case can be made for allowing diabetes to kill its victims, so that the pool is cleansed that way. However, if diabetics are productive and profitable, they are society's underpinings as far as taxes, and capital outlay fot the HUGE medical beast that feeds off the aging and infirm populace. So they need to at least afford diabetics the extension of life to retirement. And maybe allow us to repay the interest on our credit cards before they pack us away.


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