Monday, June 28, 2004


We've been in drought like conditions for several years. Its so strange to hear the raindrops on the airconditioner casing. I'll leave for work in a little while. 12 hours at the fantasy factory. Home of the great bonus.
Irony is my undoing.Im always looking for it I guess. I cant get over how much the situation has bettered itself in my life. Then to have bad health follow good economic news. The music is getting better all the time as well. I really appreciated being trusted. In the industrial world and the music world.
I got two fine notes from my wifes minister last night.They were extremely conciliatory and friendly. I was glad. I so hate controversy. I cant stand alienation, disenfranchisement, and obscurity. It goes without saying that everyone is paying attention even if I am not. Leroy Williams stopped by last night and Mindy spoke with Him. I'd already gone off to bed. Leroy is my African American friend. I have so little depth. I just feel so shallow sometimes. Its amazing how others can tell you youre worthless and you wind up believing them. Others who are sadder than you, and want you to be experiencing the sadness that they are experiencing. Leroy didnt do this but an older friend of mine did.
Another friend brought up something I'd said 20 years ago the other night while we were talking. I was something I'd said when I was drunk. I told that person..."Ya know I remember saying that...but after fifteen glasses of beer I could imagine anything and say it...."
Gotta put my sox on and hit the highway.
later, Bowe


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